If the system displays the Assets tile on the home page for the vendor partner you selected, you will be able to view the number of mapped and unmapped equipment assets for which the specified participating vendor partner is providing service.
The Assets tile is a display-only tile. On a daily basis, Dealer Gateway records equipment asset data from participating vendor partners and attempts to sync this data with equipment data in e-automate. If Dealer Gateway finds one exact Serial Number match between an equipment asset in the participating vendor partner's data and an equipment record in e-automate, Dealer Gateway identifies the equipment asset as a Mapped Asset. If Dealer Gateway finds multiple exact Serial Number matches between an equipment asset in the vendor partner's data and the equipment records in e-automate, Dealer Gateway then looks for an exact Make, Model, and Serial Number match between the equipment asset in the participating vendor partner's data and an equipment record in e-automate. If an exact match is found, Dealer Gateway identifies the equipment asset as a Mapped Asset. If Dealer Gateway does not find an exact Serial Number match between one equipment asset in the participating vendor partner's data and one equipment record in e-automate (or—in the case of duplicate Serial Number matches—Dealer Gateway does not find an exact Make, Model, and Serial Number match between the equipment asset in the participating vendor partner's data and an equipment record in e-automate), Dealer Gateway identifies the equipment asset as an Unmapped Asset.
The Assets tile includes two links—Mapped Assets and Unmapped Assets—and a [View all assets] button. Both links identify the corresponding number of equipment assets (mapped and unmapped, respectively) associated with the participating vendor partner. If you click a link or the button, you can view the specified type of equipment asset information.
The Mapped Assets link on the Assets tile identifies the number of equipment assets received for the participating vendor partner for which e-automate contains a matching equipment record. Dealer Gateway identifies a vendor partner's equipment asset as a Mapped Asset if the equipment asset's Serial Number matches one equipment record's Serial Number in e-automate, or—in the event of multiple matches—if the equipment asset's Make, Model, and Serial Number matches one equipment record's Make, Model, and Serial Number in e-automate. To view details for mapped equipment assets, do the following:
1. From
the Assets tile, click the
Mapped Assets link. The
system displays the Mapped Assets
table on the Assets page.
For each equipment asset recorded, the table lists the Dealer
Equip No, Partner Asset No,
Dealer Customer Name, Partner Customer Name,
Serial Number, Sync Status,
Make, Model,
IP Address, and MAC
For mapped records, Dealer Gateway compares both the IP Address and the MAC
Address from the Equipment record in e-automate with the corresponding
values in the participating vendor partner's data. If the values
in e-automate do not match the values in the participating vendor
partner's data, this table displays the values from the participating
vendor partner's data in red
2. To reduce the number of listings displayed on the Assets page, use the Filter or QuickFind options. For more information on these options, see the Tool Bar Features section of the List Pages topic.
3. To sort the data by any column, click the column name. If the data was not currently sorted by that column, the system will sort the data by that column in ascending order and will display to the right of the column name an upward-pointing triangle. If the data was previously sorted by that column, the system will toggle the sort between ascending order and descending order and will display to the right of the column name an upward-pointing triangle for an ascending sort and a downward-pointing triangle for a descending sort.
4. To
navigate between multiple pages of data and/or to change the number
of meter reads displayed per page, see the Navigating
Multiple Pages and Changing
the Number of Records Displayed per Page options in the Table Features section of the List Pages topic.
The system displays the following details on the Service
Call page:
Column Name |
Description |
Dealer Equip No |
The Equipment Number associated with the Equipment record in e-automate. |
Partner Asset No |
The identification number assigned to the equipment asset in the participating vendor partner's data. |
Dealer Customer Name |
The Customer number associated with the Equipment record in e-automate. |
Partner Customer Name |
name of the customer's company as recorded in the participating
vendor partner's data. |
Serial number |
The unique identification number assigned by the vendor to a serial-controlled item that maintains the individuality of the specific item. In e-automate, this number is the Serial number recorded in the Equipment record. This number should match the Serial Number recorded for the equipment asset in the participating vendor partner's data. |
Make |
The manufacturer or trade name of a particular product. In e-automate, this number is the Make recorded in the Equipment record. In the event of multiple matches on Serial number, this number should match the Make recorded for the equipment asset in the participating vendor partner's data. |
Model |
The dealer-assigned code designating a specific equipment type. In e-automate, this number is the Model recorded in the Equipment record. In the event of multiple matches on Serial number, this number should match the Model recorded for the equipment asset in the participating vendor partner's data. |
IP Address |
The IP Address associated with this equipment asset in the participating vendor partner's data. This value should match the IP Address associated with the Equipment record in e-automate. If it does not, the table lists the IP Address in red font. |
MAC Address |
The MAC Address associated with this equipment asset in the participating vendor partner's data. This value should match the MAC Address associated with the Equipment record in e-automate. If it does not, the table lists the MAC Address in red font. |
The Unmapped Assets link on the Assets tile identifies the number of equipment assets received for the participating vendor partner that Dealer Gateway has not identified as a Mapped Asset. Dealer Gateway identifies a vendor partner's equipment asset as an Unmapped Asset if: 1) the equipment asset's Serial Number does not match the Serial Number in any e-automate equipment records, 2) the equipment asset's Serial Number matches the Serial Number in multiple e-automate equipment records but the equipment asset's Make, Model, and Serial Number do not match the Make, Model, and Serial Number in any e-automate equipment records, or 3) Dealer Gateway has not yet attempted to sync the participating vendor partner's equipment asset data with the e-automate data.
To view details for unmapped equipment assets, do the following:
1. From
the Assets tile, click the
Unmapped Assets link. The
system displays the Unmapped Assets
table on the Assets page.
For each equipment asset recorded, the table lists the Dealer
Equip No, Partner Asset No,
Dealer Customer Name, Partner Customer Name,
Serial Number, Sync Status,
Make, Model,
IP Address, and MAC
2. To reduce the number of listings displayed on the Assets page, use the Filter or QuickFind options. For more information on these options, see the Tool Bar Features section of the List Pages topic.
3. To sort the data by any column, click the column name. If the data was not currently sorted by that column, the system will sort the data by that column in ascending order and will display to the right of the column name an upward-pointing triangle. If the data was previously sorted by that column, the system will toggle the sort between ascending order and descending order and will display to the right of the column name an upward-pointing triangle for an ascending sort and a downward-pointing triangle for a descending sort.
4. To
navigate between multiple pages of data and/or to change the number
of meter reads displayed per page, see the Navigating
Multiple Pages and Changing
the Number of Records Displayed per Page options in the Table Features section of the List Pages topic.
The system displays the following details on the Service
Call page:
Column Name |
Description |
Dealer Equip No |
[Blank] |
Partner Asset No |
The identification number assigned to the equipment asset in the participating vendor partner's data. |
Dealer Customer Name |
[Blank] |
Partner Customer Name |
name of the customer's company as recorded in the participating
vendor partner's data. |
Serial number |
The unique identification number assigned by the vendor to a serial-controlled item that maintains the individuality of the specific item. |
Make |
The manufacturer or trade name of a particular product. |
Model |
The dealer-assigned code designating a specific equipment type. |
IP Address |
The IP Address associated with this equipment asset in the participating vendor partner's data. |
MAC Address |
The MAC Address associated with this equipment asset in the participating vendor partner's data. |
The [View all calls] button on the Service Calls tile gives you access to all the equipment assets received for the participating vendor partner. To view details for all equipment assets, do the following:
1. From
the Assets tile, click the [View all calls] button. The
system displays the All Assets
table on the Assets page.
For each equipment asset recorded, the table lists the Dealer
Equip No, Partner Asset No,
Dealer Customer Name, Partner Customer Name,
Serial Number, Sync Status,
Make, Model,
IP Address, and MAC
For mapped records only, Dealer Gateway compares both the IP Address and the MAC
Address from the Equipment record in e-automate with the corresponding
values in the participating vendor partner's data. If the values
in e-automate do not match the values in the participating vendor
partner's data, this table displays the values from the participating
vendor partner's data in red
2. To reduce the number of listings displayed on the Assets page, use the Filter or QuickFind options. For more information on these options, see the Tool Bar Features section of the List Pages topic.
3. To sort the data by any column, click the column name. If the data was not currently sorted by that column, the system will sort the data by that column in ascending order and will display to the right of the column name an upward-pointing triangle. If the data was previously sorted by that column, the system will toggle the sort between ascending order and descending order and will display to the right of the column name an upward-pointing triangle for an ascending sort and a downward-pointing triangle for a descending sort.
4. To
navigate between multiple pages of data and/or to change the number
of meter reads displayed per page, see the Navigating
Multiple Pages and Changing
the Number of Records Displayed per Page options in the Table Features section of the List Pages topic.
The system displays the following details on the Service
Call page:
Column Name |
Description |
Dealer Equip No |
The Equipment Number associated with the Equipment record in e-automate. |
Partner Asset No |
The identification number assigned to the equipment asset in the participating vendor partner's data. |
Dealer Customer Name |
The Customer number associated with the Equipment record in e-automate. |
Partner Customer Name |
name of the customer's company as recorded in the participating
vendor partner's data. |
Serial number |
The unique identification number assigned by the vendor to a serial-controlled item that maintains the individuality of the specific item. In e-automate, this number is the Serial number recorded in the Equipment record. This number should match the Serial Number recorded for the equipment asset in the participating vendor partner's data. |
Make |
The manufacturer or trade name of a particular product. In e-automate, this number is the Make recorded in the Equipment record. In the event of multiple matches on Serial number, this number should match the Make recorded for the equipment asset in the participating vendor partner's data. |
Model |
The dealer-assigned code designating a specific equipment type. In e-automate, this number is the Model recorded in the Equipment record. In the event of multiple matches on Serial number, this number should match the Model recorded for the equipment asset in the participating vendor partner's data. |
IP Address |
The IP Address associated with this equipment asset in the participating vendor partner's data. This value should match the IP Address associated with the Equipment record in e-automate. If it does not, the table lists the IP Address in red font. |
MAC Address |
The MAC Address associated with this equipment asset in the participating vendor partner's data. This value should match the MAC Address associated with the Equipment record in e-automate. If it does not, the table lists the MAC Address in red font. |